List of the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Sub Chapter X Punitive Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

List of the Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Sub Chapter X Punitive Articles

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

This is a list of the articles of the uniform code of military justice sub chapter X punitive articles. It is arranged in a four column format listing the article numbers and descriptions.  The first column contains articles numbers 77 – 133 under sub chapter X punitive articles, the second column is the descriptions for articles 77 – 133 under sub chapter X punitive articles, the third column starts with article 134 of sub chapter X, punitive articles and then has a #, then an * followed by the paragraph numbers 61 – 113 of general article 134 under sub chapter X punitive articles, and the fourth column is the descriptions of the third columns entries.

NOTE: This document is in MS Excel


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