Supervisors Guide to Admonitions and Reprimands | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Supervisors Guide to Admonitions and Reprimands

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Included among the various tools available to help supervisors meet their responsibility for maintaining Air Force standards and accomplishing the Air Force mission are administrative reprimands and admonitions. This guide addresses only administrative reprimands and admonitions, as distinguished from punitive reprimands administered as a result of either court-martial conviction or of nonjudicial (Article 15) punishment.

  • An admonition is “an expression of official displeasure or censure, oral or written, addressed to an officer or airman for a special act.” It is generally cautionary advice.
  • A reprimand is “a reproof, either oral or written, more severe than an admonition, given to an officer or airman, and carrying a strong implication of official censure.”

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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