Legal Review Non-Board Reduction For Unsatisfactory Participation (NGR 600-200, Chapter 11 & AR 135-91, Chapter 4) | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Legal Review Non-Board Reduction For Unsatisfactory Participation (NGR 600-200, Chapter 11 & AR 135-91, Chapter 4)

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This is a legal review non-board reduction for unsatisfactory participation (NGR 600-200, chapter 11 & AR 135-91, Chapter 4).  This form may be used to conduct a legal review non-board reduction for unsatisfactory participation (NGR 600-200, chapter 11 & AR 135-91, Chapter 4).

  • A soldier may be reduced one grade for inefficiency, inefficiency can include a record of unexcused absences or declaration as an unsatisfactory participant. This legal review is designed specifically for non-board reductions for unsatisfactory participation only.
  • In accordance with NGR 600-200, the command must provide complete justification and documentation to support the reduction action.  However, an unexcused absence from scheduled training, weather one UTA or one MUTA, should not normally itself be the sole basis to charge a soldier with inefficiency to the degree that reduction is warranted.
  • A reduction board is authorized for soldiers in grade SGT and higher. If applicable, the soldier must request to have his/her case heard before a reduction board. If the soldier waives the board action, the waiver must be in writing. The soldier may submit any pertinent matters in rebuttal in writing. Failure to respond with in 30 Calendar days after the date of receipt of written notification constitutes a waiver of the right to have the case heard before a reduction board.

*Note: Mail refused, unclaimed, or otherwise not delivered may not be used as defense against unexcused absence when notices were correctly addressed to the last official mail address furnished to the unit : This document is in MS Word format


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