The Battalion Commander’s Handbook | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

The Battalion Commander’s Handbook

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This version of the Battalion Commander’s Handbook was written primarily for the recently selected battalion commander. It provides tips on how to transition into command and how to approach some of the more interesting challenges. The Handbook can also be useful to incumbent commanders at all levels as a source of ideas. The of this handbook goal was to create a concisely written, well-formatted, easily referenced and usable compendium of insights to battalion command. The first two chapters address the more common concerns of all new commanders regardless of the type battalion he will command. Issues which are particularly critical before and shortly after assuming command are emphasized, but there is a broad range of memory-joggers which should prove useful throughout an entire command tour. Chapters 3 through 8 deal with unique aspects of specific type battalions. Chapter 9 highlights the very important area of family support. This handbook does not convey official Army doctrine nor has it been staffed in the traditional sense. Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.

NOTE: This document is in PDF format


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