This manual identifies the individual MOS training requirements for soldiers in MOS 92G Food Service Specialist. Commanders, trainers, and soldiers should use it to plan, conduct, and evaluate individual training in units. This manual is the primary MOS reference to support the self-development and training of every soldier. Use this manual with the soldier’s manuals of common tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT), Army training and evaluation programs (ARTEPs), and FM 25-101 (Battle-Focused Training) to establish effective training plans and programs that integrate soldier, leader, and collective tasks.
NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for accuracy, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011) : This document is in PDF format