This TC standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures by providing specific guidelines for executing unmanned aircraft system (UAS) aircrew training. It establishes crewmember qualification, refresher, mission, and continuation training and evaluation requirements. It applies to all RQ-5, MQ-5, and RQ-7 crewmembers and their commanders. It, in conjunction with Army regulations, will help UAS commanders, at all levels; develop a comprehensive aircrew training program. By using it, commanders ensure that individual and crew proficiency match their units’ mission and that unmanned aircraft crewmembers (UACs) routinely employ standard techniques and procedures. UACs will use it as a “how to” source for performing crewmember duties. It provides performance standards and evaluation guidelines so that crewmembers know the level of performance expected.
NOTES: TC 3-04.61 Supersedes TC 1-600 : TC 1-600 Supersedes TC 34-212
Download current version TC 3-04.61 Unmanned Aircraft System Commander’s Guide and Aircrew Training Manual Click Below:
Download TC 1-600 Unmanned Aircraft System Commander’s Guide and Aircrew Training Manual (Historical version) Click Below: