This regulation establishes Department of the Army policies, responsibilities and procedures for the Tactical Intelligence Readiness Training Program within the Army Intelligence Community. The REDTRAIN program is a Senior Intelligence Officer program oriented primarily at the warfighting commands, designed to help Army intelligence personnel to sustain and improve the technical/analytical and foreign language skills required of them to carry out their combat intelligence missions successfully. These personnel are assigned to tactical intelligence units and staffs, are members of the Special Operations Forces or are serving in critical non–tactical positions. REDTRAIN provides senior intelligence officers the means to meet their priority training requirements. The purpose of REDTRAIN is to improve the readiness of wartime tactical intelligence units by enhancing the skills of assigned intelligence personnel. The primary intent of REDTRAIN is to train individual soldiers in primary MOS skills to meet unit training goals. This regulation describes the program, specifies the types of units and personnel eligible for program participation, defines the roles and responsibilities of commands participating in the REDTRAIN Program, establishes program planning, reporting, management control and oversight requirements.
Historical Copy.