Should I Sign my Relief for Cause Report While the Investigation is Still On Going? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Should I Sign my Relief for Cause Report While the Investigation is Still On Going?

I got a DUI in August, I'll be getting an General Officer Letter of Reprimand and a Relief for Cause Evaluation Report. My question is should I sign my evaluation report while there's still an investigation going on?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

The command can relieve you if they have lost confidence in your abilities.  Your relief for cause report is a separate issue from the investigation.  Your signature on the evaluation report verifies all administrative information is correct.  Your signature does not indicate your agreement or disagreement with the ratings and/or the relief.

Let’s suppose the DUI is thrown out of court or you are found not guilty, you can still be relieved based on the police report and supporting evidence.

The investigation and the relief are two separate actions that are not dependent upon each other in any way.


Extract DA PAM 623-3 page 111

DA Form 2166-9-3, part I: block d2—Rated NCO’s Signature
Action required: The rated NCO will sign and date the NCOER after it has been completed and signed by the rater and senior rater in the rating chain.
— The rated NCO acknowledges that he or she has seen the completed NCOER and verifies the accuracy of administrative data in part I (except part I, block m), the rating officials and counseling dates in part II, the duty description in part III, and the APFT and height and weight entries in part IV, block a and block b. This action increases administrative accuracy of the NCOER since the rated NCO is most familiar with and interested in this information. Confirmation of the administrative data also will normally preclude an appeal by the rated NCO based on inaccurate administrative data. Any administrative errors noted by the rated NCO will be brought to the attention of the rating officials and corrected prior to his or her signature. It is important that rated NCOs and rating officials clearly understand that the
rated NCO’s signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations of the rater and/or senior rater. Rating officials will ensure that the rated NCO is aware of the redress process.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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