Can a Soldier who is barred receive an award? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can a Soldier who is barred receive an award?

Can I get an Award if I am Barred from Reenlistment?

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I do not believe an Award Recommendation would be Appropriate!


In Accordance With AR 601-280 Chapter 8 A Bar to Reenlistment may be initiated against Soldiers for one or a combination of the following (note these are examples):

(1) Lateness to formations, details, or assigned duties.

(2) AWOL for 1- to 24-hour periods.

(3) Losses of clothing and equipment.

(4) Substandard personal appearance.

(5) Substandard personal hygiene.

(6) Continuous indebtedness, reluctance to repay, or late payments.

(7) Article 15(s).

(8) Frequent traffic violations.

(9) An excessive number of sick calls without medical justification.

(10) Lateness returning from pass or leave

(11) Cannot follow orders; shirks responsibilities; takes too much time; is recalcitrant.

(12) Cannot train for a job; apathetic; disinterested.

(13) Cannot adapt to military life; uncooperative; involved in frequent difficulties with fellow soldiers.

(14) Failure to manage personal, marital, or family affairs. This includes failure to respond to duty requirements

because of parenthood or custody of dependents (minor or adult).

(15) Causes trouble in the civilian community.

(16) Involvement in immoral acts.

(17) Personal behavior brings discredit upon his unit or the Army.

(18) Failure to achieve individual weapons qualification.

(19) Failure to pass the Army’s Physical Fitness Test for record.

(20)  Loss of qualification in PMOS when HRC-Alexandria (AHRC-EPR-F) has determined that reclassification is not appropriate because the soldier can not be retrained into a new MOS.

(21) Noncompetitive for promotion.

(a)  Slow rank progression resulting from a pattern of marginal conduct or performance.

(b)  No demonstrated potential for future service (repeated counseling statements or other indicators).

(c)  No demonstrated ability to keep pace with others of the same Career Management Field.

(d)  Declines attendance in professional development courses such as PLDC, BNCOC, ANCOC, and so on.

(e)  Not recommended for promotion by unit commander.

(f)  Lack of potential to become a supervisor or senior technician.

e.  Commanders will initiate bar to reenlistment or separation proceedings (per AR 635-200) against soldiers who—

(1) Do not make satisfactory progress in the Army Weight Control Program (see AR 600-9).

(2) Fail two consecutive APFT (see AR 350-41).

(3) Are removed for cause from NCOES courses (see glossary definition)

Some but not all of these actions may result in a  Flag under AR 600-8-2.  If the individual is flagged an award would not be possible.


AR 600-8-22 cover awards.  It states:

 Extract of AR 600-8-22

1–17. Character of service

a. Personal decorations.

A medal will not be awarded or presented to any individual whose entire service subsequent to the time of the distinguished act, achievement, or service has not been honorable. The determination of “honorable” will be based on such honest and faithful service according the standards of conduct, courage, and duty required by law and customs of the service of a member of the grade to whom the standard is applied. Commanders will ensure that—

(1)  Individuals on whom favorable personnel actions have been suspended neither are recommended for nor receive awards during the period of the suspension. Exceptions to the above are Soldiers who are flagged for APFT failure, in accordance with AR 600–8–2, paragraph 1–15.

(2)  Other-than-honorable service subsequent to submission of the recommendation for an award is promptly reported to the awards approving authority with a recommendation for appropriate action


Since a Bar is typically initiated for some type of substandard performance I do not believe an Award would be in order.

Hope this Helps!

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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