Tag Enlisted Assignments | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Enlisted Assignments

Here is a list of everything we have published about Enlisted Assignments

How can I get my orders deleted so I can stay at the same duty station as my fiancee?

Top I am in a jam! I am on orders and my fiancee is in the Army but has only been on this base for about 3 months. We just found out, she is pregnant. What are my options to deleted from orders so we can stay together? .. Read the Answer»

Can I be forced to PCS while on a medical recovery profile for surgery?

I recently underwent knee surgery and was put on assignment. I received my profile that limits me from deploying so I can recover from surgery. Can my unit force me to PCS to my next unit that is a deployable unit even though I have non deploying profile?.. Read the Answer»

AR 614-200 Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management

This regulation prescribes the reporting, selection, assignment, and utilization of Active Army enlisted personnel, excluding initial entry training Soldiers. It provides general assignment policies and responsibilities for managing the enlisted force. It also prescribes— (1) Stabilized periods for selected units, …Read More

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