Tag chapters | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about chapters

What documentation is needed for chapter and separation actions?

How do I know what documentation is needed for a specific chapter action?.. Read the Answer»

The Types of Courts-Martials Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that describes the types of courts-martials. It is intended to teach the levels of courts-martials and draft specifications for Article 15 or charge sheet. Based on Article 16 of the uniform code of military (UCMJ) there are three methods of disposing …Read More

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Prepare DA Form 4430, DD Forms 2707, and DD Forms 2704 Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how to Prepare DA Form 4430 Department of the Army Report of Result of Trial, DD Form 2707 Confinement Order and DD Form 2704 Victim/Witness Certification and Election Concerning Prisoner Status that are required to be filled …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Military Justice Class/Briefing

Class / briefing that covers military justice. It is intended to teach how to identify the principles of military justice including criminal misconduct, jurisdiction, investigations, soldiers’ rights, search and seizure, restriction, administrative separations, non-judicial and judicial punishments, and unlawful command influence. …Read More

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Military Justice Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on the Military Justice system major topics include: the commander’s tools,adverse administrative actions, administrative separation actions (Chapters), investigating crime and misconduct, nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15), court martial process, the Article 15 and the Chapter process. NOTE: This document is …Read More

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