Tag Advanced Individual Training | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Advanced Individual Training

Here is a list of everything we have published about Advanced Individual Training

If I am a basic trainee or in advanced individual training (AIT) can my Commadner make me give up my car keys?

Can a Commander order me to give up my car keys if I am in basic training or advanced individual training?.. Read the Answer»

TRADOC Regulation 350-16 Drill Sergeant and Advanced Individual Training Platoon Sergeant Programs Including Change 1

This regulation establishes objectives, policies, and responsibilities for training and use of personnel in drill sergeant (DS) positions, DS candidate (DSC), Advanced Individual Training Platoon Sergeant (AITPSG), and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Platoon Sergeant Candidate (PSC) status for the active …Read More

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Drill Sergeant School SOP (Drill Sergeant Leader Guide)

This is a Drill Sergeant School SOP (Drill Sergeant Leader Guide). The purpose of this SOP is to establish standard operating procedures within the Drill Sergeant School consistent with TRADOC Regulation 350-16 and the Drill Sergeant School Program of Instruction.  …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide